Thank you for entering the PlantWorx Awards 2025. Please fill out the following sections to complete your submission. Ensure your answers are concise, with the total word count for the entry not exceeding 500 words. Supporting materials can be uploaded separately, and we ask that entries avoid the use of AI-generated content. Eligibility Criteria Entries must meet the following criteria to qualify for the PlantWorx Awards 2025: 1. Products, initiatives, or campaigns must have been launched after September 2023. 2. No prototypes or concepts will be accepted—entries must be available on the market. 3. The same product may be entered into no more than two categories. * Award Categories (tick one or two only)Non-Operated Plant & Support ProductsSustainability InitiativeSafety InnovationBest Use of Engineering & Technology InnovationSecurity InitiativeExcellence in Workforce DevelopmentBest Marketing Campaign Supporting PlantWorx 2025Alternative Power InnovationThis field is required. * Entry title: * Name of Product/Service: * Contact name: * Exhibitor name * Email address: * Phone number CAPTCHA As an anti-spam measure, please type the characters you see in the image (case sensitive). Next